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Five Tips for a Healthy Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

After a long fall semester, the year of 2012 is now long behind us and we are well into 2013. 

A new year brings exciting, new opportunities and the chance to “reinvent” ourselves or accomplish goals we didn’t in 2012. One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight or live healthier. While I can’t guarantee that I’ll help you drop those holiday pounds, here are some tips and tricks to improve your well being this semester. Even by just doing a couple of these things you’re already on the road to living happier and healthier!

1. Go to the gym
Sure, we’ve all heard this one before. However it really does make a difference
in your everyday feel. Not only will you burn calories, but exercise helps keep
you alert and focused throughout the day. When I hit the mid-afternoon slump
that makes me want to crawl into bed and take a three-hour nap, I opt for the
gym instead. It gives me more energy and makes it easier for me to focus on my
work after.
2. Make a Work Out Schedule
While the idea of going to the gym may be easier said than done, I find that
writing out a daily or weekly schedule helps. Rather than saying you’ll go to the
gym in an hour and then keep putting it off, write down a specific time you’ll go,
along with the things you’ll do in that block of time. Whether it’s how many laps
you’ll run or what ab exercises you’ll do, it’s easier to stick to when you have it
on a piece of paper. Every little bit counts, so even if it’s just 30 minutes, it can
still make a difference.
3. Drink Water
This may be one of the most important aspects when it comes to wellness.
Water is necessary to keep you hydrated, however it has some other benefits
too. It gives you more energy, helps flush out toxins, and keeps your skin looking
healthy and clear. If you’re trying to lose weight, water is essential because it
fills you up and keeps you full between meals. I try to keep a water bottle with
me at all times and drink it constantly. I find when I drink water all day if keeps
me from snacking between meals and helps me not overeat at mealtime. Fun
fact: ice cold water is best to drink because your body burns calories converting
it to your body’s normal body temperature!
4. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy food is no secret when it comes to overall wellness, but it can
be hard to do, especially in college. With all the temptations of bad food, many
people struggle to maintain a healthy diet. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and
fiber are important to keep you energized and alert. One of the ways that can
help you eat healthy is to always eat at least one serving of fruit or veggies with
each meal. Even if your diet isn’t perfect, this can be a small way to get essential
vitamins and minerals. When grabbing food on the run, try to avoid the fried
stuff and grab a salad or sandwich instead. Keep healthy snacks in your room,
such as fruit, cereal, almonds or yogurt. You don’t have to go crazy trying to eat
super healthy everyday, just try and maintain a balanced meal plan. Personally, I
have a big weakness for desserts, so I always let myself have a little chocolate or
a cookie after dinner. Start with small changes, and you’ll soon find that it gets
easier as time goes on.
5. Take Advantage of New Orleans
We are so lucky to go to school in such a beautiful and accessible city; take
advantage of this! Audubon Park is right across the street and a great place to
walk or run. If you have nothing to do on a Saturday, grab a friend and walk
around the park. St. Charles is also lined with beautiful homes and is another
great place for a stroll. These are just two of the many places that are fun to
walk or jog along. A little fresh air, sun, and exercise can improve your day and
gives you an opportunity to get off campus and switch up your routine.
Asia Bradlee is a senior studying Public Health and English at Tulane University. She grew up in Boston, MA and has a passion for health and wellness writing. Asia has experience at Boston Magazine as the digital health intern and maintains her own wellness blog, Healthy, Hungry, Happy. 
JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.