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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

The world may say it is the most wonderful time of the year, but right now college students across the nation are finishing up their fall semesters and cramming for finals. During this stressful time it is easy to disregard style (or hygiene, unfortunately) between downing caffeine, procrastinating on various internet sites (curse you, Facebook), and frantically reading a semester’s worth of material; it is, however, possible to be comfortable while still looking cute, or at least presentable, during finals. While fashion should not be your top priority during finals week, I find that I do better in class/on exams when I look good. Try it out, as a cute finals outfit may boost your confidence (especially when others look like train wrecks). Advice: if you’re interested, plan outfits in advance. Set aside various items that could work together, so when finals come, you can quickly put on these pieces, grab a Diet Coke and ace your exam. Here are my tips on how to rock the “finals look”. Good luck!

1. Yes, Virginia, You Can Wear Leggings:

I am a proponent of leggings as pants, as long as your top reaches below your butt. Gasp! Did I just break the laws of fashion? Sorry I’m not sorry because leggings are versatile, so you can look cute in a number of ways while still staying comfortable. I love dresses or long sweaters with leggings and boots for this time of year. Add an infinity scarf and you’re good to go.

2. She Wears Short Skirts and I Wear T-Shirts:
If you’re a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, you can still work this cute look and stay comfortable. If you have morning exams and plan on rolling out of bed 20 minutes beforehand, adding a scarf or opting for a fitted t-shirt , or an American Apparel v-neck, makes this age-old look a little more chic. Super skinny jeans may be your favorite, but not practical for a three-hour final. Opt for some dark wash stretch jeans, which are cute yet comfortable.

3. Pajamas are for Sleeping:
While it may be tempting to roll out of bed and head to your exam wearing your pajamas or sweatpants, you’ll feel more awake and ready to conquer your exam if you change into new clothes. If you don’t do anything else style-wise, throw on a pair of jeans before heading out. It could make a difference in your ability to concentrate.
4. Less is More:
When it comes to finals, putting on makeup may seem like a struggle, especially if you’re working with little or no sleep. My advice is to keep it simple. Basic mascara and blush will make you look alive, and give your confidence a little boost. The goal is to have your makeup done in less than 10 minutes. Forego the bronzers, eye shadows, concealers, etc. and go for a fresh, simple look.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.