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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Year:  Junior

Hometown: Washington DC

Major:Jewish Studies w/ business & philosophy minor

Word around Tulane is that you’re a pretty good rapper.  When did you start rapping and where do you get your inspiration from?
I’ve been rapping as a hobby since I was 10, but didn’t take it seriously and start calling myself a rapper till I was 20.  I get my inspiration from my life and the beautiful and amazing people in it.

Do you feel New Orleans is a good place to express yourself through art?
New Orleans is a great place to express yourself through art.  There are some obstacles that aren’t immediately obvious (its pretty much geographically isolated so if you want to travel to shows driving is usually out of the question) but overall it’s a great place to express yourself.  There’s so much history and culture…a timeless aspect to it.  I really love new Orleans.

What activities are you involved in around campus?
I’m in a fraternity. You might catch me in some intramurals as well.

What is your favorite thing about Tulane?
How many wonderful people I met at Tulane that are a part of my life.

Any advice for Mardi Gras?
Know your limits. Don’t pee in public.

Where would your last meal in New Orleans be and what would you order?
If I’m with all my boys, I’d say go to Mr. johns. Great steakhouse and we always have a lot of fun there.  If its more intimate I’d say go to Stella..maybe August.

What’s something every student should do before they graduate from Tulane?
Find what they love to do and pursue it, nothing will make you happier.  Also, learn.  There’s no other time in life we’ll be able to take classes about whatever we take. Take advantage of the opportunities given to you.

Where can students hear your rapping?
All info about shows/ my music in general can be found.
If you want to learn more about Kam Royal check out his Facebook and his Twitter.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.