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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

DO: Choose an area wisely. Your location in the library can greatly affect your success. If you are working on your laptop, choose a spot near an outlet. If you want no distractions, head to the silent sections of the third and fourth floor. If you’re easily distracted, avoid the window seats. I do best in the back part of the silent section of the library, where I am isolated from other people and view of outside. I know it sounds depressing, but if I don’t rid myself of external stimuli I will spend little time on homework and a lot of time people watching. However, I have a friend who works best on the crowded and noisy first floor. Find what works for you, and do that every time.

DON’T: Socialize. When you enter the third floor study lounge of Howie T., you will see the girl who lives in the room next to you, an assortment of acquaintances, the hot kid from your Calculus class, and a boy from your hometown. Tulane students flock there when assignments and tests begin to pile up, and therefore it’s almost impossible to study there without seeing someone you know. But no, you cannot start conversations with any of them (not even the hot ones). A silent wave or a mouthed “Hi” are fine, but spare everyone the distraction and don’t actually start a conversation. The study areas of Howie T. are silent for a reason, so avoid the temptation to talk.  

DON’T: Talk on the phone. I was intently working on a research paper last week when a phone at the table next to me began to ring. I’ve been that girl before, so I didn’t partake in the collective death stare of the rest of the remaining students. I assumed she would reach into her purse and simply silence the call. Instead, the girl answered with an annoyingly enthusiastic “Hey!!” and proceeded to tell the person on the other end of the line “Yeah it’s like totally a good time to talk!!” The collective death stare was lethal at this point, and I have no shame admitting I was now a part of it. It’s totally a good time to talk?? More like it’s totally a good time to leave the library and never return. This girl is actually the inspiration for my article this week, so some good did come out of the annoyance, but I still advise you all to take your calls outside of the silent section. You don’t want to be that girl. You really, really don’t.

DO: Bring food and water. I know, I know, you’re going to the library for the afternoon, not a campsite for the weekend. But if you plan on staying at Howie T. for a couple hours or more, a water bottle and a granola bar can be lifesavers. Hunger or thirst can distract from your homework, and having available nourishment can save you from wasting WaveBucks on the stale PJ’s scones on the first floor. However, other bringing food is a good idea, not all types of food are acceptable in the library. You will be eating near other people, so avoid anything overly loud, messy, or smelly. I ate an apple in the silent section first semester, and the intensity of the mean looks increased with each crunch.

DON’T: Take up more space than you need. There’s always that one person at the library that takes up a table for five with their belongings of one. And everyone hates that one person. So don’t be that one person. It’s not necessary to spread all your notes and books out over the table. Take out what you need when you need it, and keep unused materials in your backpack or a neat pile. While this rule isn’t too important at times when the library isn’t crowded, you will be loathed if you break it during midterms or finals. Spots in the library are like gold in the days leading up to the exam periods, so be thankful if you manage to find a spot for one. 

JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.