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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.
DO: Detox. Congratulations, you survived Mardi Gras. But during the past week your
diet has likely consisted of nothing other than sugary drinks, Boot pizza, and king cake,
and sleep probably became a foreign concept. Also, if you haven’t yet noticed any post-
Mardi cold symptoms, just wait—they’re coming. Basically, your body literally hates
you right now. Hates. So make amends with your health and embark on a detox. I’m not
advising you to start a juice cleanse, but it wouldn’t kill you to start a healthier diet, catch
up on lost sleep, and avoid alcohol for a bit. Actually, it might kill you not to. There’s a
reason Mardi Gras only lasts as many days as it does; any longer and it might be deadly.
DO: Plan for next year. I highly advise against attempting to obtain Mardi Gras outfits
last minute, because all the purple, gold and green leggings will be sold out and you will
be the obnoxious girl borrowing clothes everyday (personal experience). Instead, search
for Mardi clothes year round at thrift stores and the backs of friends’ closets, and maybe
even craft supplies of your own. I know I certainly felt inferior with my black fanny pack
when I spotted herds of students in bedazzled bags. Also, many stores will be selling
apparel at discounted prices now, so when you head to Walgreens February 15th for your
sale candy be sure to check out the Mardi section.
DON’T: Wallow in post-Mardi depression. Yes, Mardi Gras was a lot of fun, and yes, the
next one is a full year away, but we live in New Orleans. It’s impossible to be bored in
this city, and the rest of spring semester is packed with tons of events to look forward to.
In the upcoming months NOLA hosts Buku Music Festival and Jazz Fest, in addition to a
lot of street festivals, and spring break is merely a month away. So avoid the bead tree if
you’re facing the post-Mardi blues, order your John Mayer tickets, and remember the old
adage: Don’t be sorry it’s over, be glad it happened.
DO: Donate your beads. It’s understandable to want to retain several beads as souvenirs,
but no one needs their room clogged with bags and bags of the plastic throws. So search
through your catches to pick out your favorite ones, and take the rest to the multiple bead
donation sites throughout campus. The discarded beads are given to the art programs of
local schools and non-profits, or simply recycled. However, before you toss the strands in
the trash, save a few to toss on the Tulane bead tree.
DON’T: Continue to disregard homework. If you’re like me, you basically forgot
you went to college during Mardi Gras. I considered my dorm a conveniently located
hotel room, covered my textbooks with beads and parade cups, and purged upcoming
assignments from my memory. But sadly, it’s time to leave the fantasyland that is Mardi
Gras and reenter reality. Attempt to catch up on schoolwork if you fell behind, and stay
on top of upcoming tests, assignments, and papers. It can be hard readjusting to real life,
but it will be even harder explaining an F to your parents. And no, you cannot use post-
Mardi depression as an excuse for bad grades.


JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.