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The Current: Chris Brown’s Not-So-Successful Comeback

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

February 8, 2009:  The day the entire world began to view the famous singer, dancer, and actor Chris Brown in a different light.  It was during those fateful morning hours that Brown physically assaulted his girlfriend of the time, R&B singer Rihanna.  Allegedly, Brown was drunk and harmed Rihanna after she threw his car keys out the window of his Lamborghini.  Brown, 19-years-old at the time, broke more than laws during his meltdown; he damaged his reputation.  The official police photo depicts Rihanna after the assault.  Her face displays black and blue eyes as well as a swollen lip.  The couple has split shortly after the incident.

Since the split, Rihanna has spent her time regrouping and advocating the rights of those abused due to domestic violence.  When interviewed after the incident, Rihanna admits that this occasion was not the only time Brown had physically abused her. 
Clearly, the rocky relationship between Rihanna and Brown is old news.  In fact, this news is over two years old.  However, it seems as if Brown’s remorse for his actions are catching up with him.  Recently, Brown has been making his comeback in the media.  With a new album and a new hair color, Brown is definitely trying to change his appearance.  Yet Brown’s true colors shone through when he was recently interviewed on Good Morning America
The journalist Robin Roberts asked about Brown assault on Rihanna.  The singer responded by completely trashing his dressing room and smashing a window.  Brown then fled the scene shirtless onto the streets of Manhattan, further depicting his deranged behavior.
Brown seems to have many anger management issues.  After being forced to discuss his history of perpetrating domestic violence, Brown behaved in a way only such a person would.  Maybe Brown should watch the movie Anger Management, he could learn something from Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson.
Sadly, the singer does not view his behavior as unacceptable.  Brown took to his Twitter to recollect his actions in the show’s studio.  Comparing himself to Charlie Sheen, Brown asked his followers why he was not adored for his insane conduct.  Brown is himself feeding into the recent celebrity trend of absurd antics.  For the sake of society, I hope this literal celebrity craze does not continue.  Here’s to praying Brown is the last person searching for recognition by imitating Charlie Sheen.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.