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Cuckoo for Coconut Oil

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

If there were ever such a thing as miracle oil, coconut oil would be it.  You may have heard about it since it’s many remedies are gaining popularity, but it truly has an infinite amount of uses.  Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, an anti-oxidant, and can improve nutrient absorption.  From beauty to cooking, it can be extremely beneficial to your health.


Weight and Diet Control

If you’re trying to lose weight or suppress your appetite, coconut oil can aid you in doing so.  The fat in coconut oil contains a chemical that slows down digestion and keep you feeling full for longer.  It also makes it easier for your body to absorb specific minerals, amino acids, and nutrients, specifically calcium and magnesium.  Coconut oil also gives you energy and can increase your thyroid activity, therefore giving you that extra boost to hit the gym and burn some calories.  Just mix a small spoonful into your yogurt, cereal, or whatever you want to eat for a healthy boost!  



Coconut oil is also extremely beneficial for the skin.  It’s an amazing moisturizer, especially after shaving your legs.  Rub it on any dry patch, and your skin will soon be soft and smooth.  It can also be used for acne.  That may seem counter productive considering it’s an oil, but I’ve tried it and it works.  Just dab a small amount on the problem area, the swelling will decrease, and your skin should soon clear.  If your skin is itchy or irritated, rub some coconut oil on it and the discomfort should subside.  Even try it for sunburn relief.


Various Ailments

Many health issues can also be temporarily cured or relieved by coconut oil.  If you have an animal or insect bites, use coconut oil to reduce swelling or itching and lessen the chance of infection.  Feeling queasy or have food poisoning?  Take some coconut oil to reduce your symptoms and kill the bacteria inside your stomach.  If you have a cold and your throat is sore, mix coconut oil with some warm water and gargle to soothe the pain.  You can also rub it on your chest or under your nose to reduce congestion.  If you lifted too much at the gym or slept wrong, use coconut oil to help with muscle aches and pains.  Finally, if you’re fighting that Sunday morning hangover, take some coconut oil to help flush out the toxins, reduce nausea, and keep your energy levels up. 



There are tons of small beauty tips that coconut oil can be used for.  It can be used as a natural Chapstick and if mixed with sugar, can be an exfoliant.  Just rub it on with warm water and your skin will be super soft.  Coconut oil is also great at removing makeup (similar to cold cream) and if used around the eyes is known to reduce puffiness, wrinkles, and redness.  Hair can also benefit greatly from coconut oil.  Rub it in your hair and let it sit for a couple of hours for a deep conditioning mask.  If you have dry or frizzy hair it can also be a substitute for gel or a de-frizzer.    


These are just a couple of the many uses for coconut oil.  If you’re interested in learning more, just do some internet research and you’ll find what you need.  Next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up some virgin, unrefined coconut oil  (my roommate and I swear by the Trader Joe’s brand) and you’ll be on your way to a healthier you!

Asia Bradlee is a senior studying Public Health and English at Tulane University. She grew up in Boston, MA and has a passion for health and wellness writing. Asia has experience at Boston Magazine as the digital health intern and maintains her own wellness blog, Healthy, Hungry, Happy. 
JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.