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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Alexandra and Elizabeth are definitely the cutest twins on campus.  With a combined total of eleven feet and 8 inches, the Garcia twins have it all- looks, fashion, smarts, and personality.  So it should come as no surprise that they are this week’s campus cuties.  Let’s take a look and see what its like as a day in the life of Ali and Eli. 

Where are you from?

Ali: Atlanta, Georgia

What is your favorite part about it?

Eli: The music scene, the vibes, the people and the weather.

Where is your favorite vacation spot? 

Ali:  Martha’s Vineyard.

Eli:  It’s the best- full of beaches, cool people and awesome seafood.

What is your favorite part about being a twin?

Eli:  Having one giant massive closet. 

Ali:  ….and always having a wing-woman.

What is the longest you have ever been apart?

Ali:  Wow, um probably three or four days.

Eli:  It’s not that we couldn’t handle being apart for longer, we just always like doing the same things. 

What is your least favorite part about being a twin?

Ali:  Sometimes people ask us if we have twin telepathy, and I guess we do in a way, but it gets annoying when they go as far as to ask if we can always read each other’s minds.

Eli:  It happens more than you think. 

Where are your favorite spots in Nola?

Eli:  Frenchman street, Friday happy hour at The Columns, and Bacchanal in the bywater.

Ali: And for clothes, Gae-Tana’s and really any vintage store like Swap or Funky Monkey. 

If you haven’t met them yet, get on it! 

Her Campus Tulane