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Campus Cutie: Sarah Bierbrier (Finals Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Name: BiEbZ

Major: Chemical Engineering 

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Grade: Freshman



What’s your favorite part about being an engineering major?

The fact that I’ve only had to write 3 essays while at Tulane.

Tell us a little more about your involvement at Tulane.

I’m a senator on USG, a Green Wave Ambassador, involved in Greek life, and a resident of Sharp Hall/Howard Tilton Memorial Library.

Of all the ~*plentiful*~ study spots on Tulane’s campus, what made you choose Howie T?

I kind of studied around first semester but B School often kicked me out (REJECTION) and LBC can be a little flakey, so I finally settled down with Howie T. We decided to make it exclusive this semester and I’m really happy thus far. Can’t wait to see where the future takes us in the next 3 years. I’m thinkin’ long term.



Cube or table?

Depends on the mood.

During finals, I’ve been occupying the table all day. At this point I should probably just engrave my name in it; you can still see the remnants of Margaret Stolte and I’s sno balls from yesterday. My favorite table was taken today when I walked in and my stomach dropped. The study struggle is real.

Ideal (study) date:

Complete silence and they bring snacks and let me use their jacket when I get cold (the lib can get really cold sometimes.)

How many hours do you typically spend a day in Howie T?

Probably at least 8, is that too much? During finals… 14. (She laughs bitterly to herself and coughs) I live here.

You’re building up quite a reputation as queen of the 3rd floor, how do you feel about your new found social status?

Last semester my friends called me queen of Bruff, so I’m not sure if this is an improvement or a downgrade. Either way, bow down.

Her Campus Tulane