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Campus Celebrity: Kelsey Chan-Chin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Name: Kelsey Chan-Chin

Year: 2014

Major: Public Health and Psychology

Hometown: Denver, CO

What are you involved in on campus?

I’m the president of Women in Science, I’m the treasurer for Newcomb Senate, I work at Reily and in the Social Psychology Lab, and I’m in Phi Mu.

What is it like to be the president of Women in Science?

I absolutely love Women in Science. I think that one of the reasons why I love it so much is because everyone I work with is really happy to be there, and really wants to make a difference and promote connections and build a strong network of women on campus. I also really love GIST (Girls in Stem at Tulane) because it gets middle school girls excited about science, and it’s just fun! I love the workshops we get to do, too.

How do you balance all your activities with school and a social life?

It’s really tricky—as bad as it sounds, I definitely don’t sleep as much as I should. Even as a public health major, knowing how important sleep, exercise, and healthy eating are, sometimes that gets pushed to the wayside a little bit, because I’m either running to meetings, or class, or work. But I honestly, I love everything that I’m in so much, and I don’t want to give anything up, so I just make it work.

What has been your favorite class so far?

I really loved Brain and Behavior with Dr. Wee because she was just one of those teachers that was so obviously passionate about what she was studying and teaching, and she made the class very easy to understand. She explained everything so well.

What is your favorite part of being a student at Tulane?

I just really love all the people I’ve met here. It makes me really happy when I walk around campus and see people that I know. I know a lot of different, cool people that I would not have met if I wouldn’t have been so involved. Also, just being in New Orleans—there’s always so much to do.

Do you have any advice for incoming freshman?

Yes—get involved. It’s much harder to get involved later on, and as time goes by, you can pick and choose what you’d like to get more involved in, and also, it’s a great way to meet new people.

What are your plans for after graduation?

Probably more classes—I’m thinking about pursuing physical therapy. 

Her Campus Tulane