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Campus Celebrity: Jennifer Britt, ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Name: Jennifer Britt

Hometown: Murrieta, CA

Class: 2017

Major: Anthropology (with a focus in Cultural Anthropology); business minor

What on-campus activities are you involved in?
I am a Green Wave Ambassador and a member of Wall’s Quad Wide.

Do you find it hard to balance school and activities?

College is a balancing act, but Tulane makes it easier. You just have to stay on top of your work and there will be plenty of time to go out. Plus, having rush in the spring allows newcomers to get acclimated to the city first.

What is your advice for students who want to get more involved?

I say just put yourself out there. Ask a professor is there is a research project you could help with or walk up and ask to join a club. Try out for things—you are likely to be accepted and love at least a few options.

What is your favorite part about Tulane?

It is hard to just choose one thing! From the location, to the student body, outreach opportunities, and amazing faculty, it is impossible to have a favorite!

What are you looking forward to next semester?

Next semester I’m really looking forward to rushing. I also cannot wait for the chance to meet some of the accepted students from the class of 2018!




Current Tulane senior studying English and Communications. Contact: sydneyclarke@hercampus.com
Her Campus Tulane