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Between the Sheets: Politics in the Bedroom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

I received a link from one of my friends on facebook the tagline was: “Ten (and a half) reasons why Republicans—yes, Republicans—are the best party in bed.”

I figured this was some kind of ridiculous humor about my conservative (and sometimes promiscuous) tendencies but to my enjoyment it was practically an endorsement of my decision to date Republicans.
The article rattles off the basic ideas of conservative ideology- he’ll pay for nice dinner, he will not complicate the relationship, we love their straight forward I wanna take you home attitude, their confidence, etc- but I think my favorite part of the article was the fact that it’s so freaking true. Yeah sure Republicans can be smug jerks that think they know everything better than you but hey would you rather date/sleep with that or the New Yorker reading Democrat who has to lecture you about your intolerance of other cultures when all you wanna do is get down and dirty? I’ll take my gun wielding, tax-cut endorsing conservative any day.

I absolutely adore my boyfriend, he’s a Republican and Jewish… which to me means best of both worlds. He brings all the bravado, chivalry and confidence of a conservative but still wants to talk AND listen to me. 
Let’s be fair for a minute. Democrats are very sweet, tender, and emotional lovers- they call you the next day just to see how work was and they try to talk to you about shared interests. I guess the bottom line here is if you want a best friend in a boyfriend, the kind of boyfriend who will do the same stuff with you that your girl friends will, go for the sensitive, big-hearted democrat. But if you’re like me, assertive, often called intimidating by the opposite gender, and have a take charge attitude you NEED someone who can handle all of your American woman cajones- go Republican.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.