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Alyssa’s Loves & Loathes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

LOVE: Hungover/drunken breakfast

There is no greater pleasure in life than post-alcohol breakfast. In my experience there are two ways to achieve this phenomenon.

You can choose to go out to breakfast before crawling back in bed after a long night. This choice usually involves a 24-hour diner or a parking-lot taco stand. Personally I find either way appealing. I have met quite a few wonderful people in line at taco stands at 2am. Trust me, the conversation is always interesting. If you go to a diner however, you are likely to become witness to a secretive bonding ritual involving bartenders, bouncers, cocktail waitresses, strippers, police officers, and other night owls who need a place to unwind after a long night at work.
Your other option is to wait till late morning and attempt brunch. This always promises to be entertaining as well. Variety is the spice of life as the saying goes and you are sure to find that here. People dressed in their Sunday best chow down next you with your sweat pants, house-shoes, and bed-head and the smell of puke and alcohol dripping off of you. But trust me when I say those pancakes and eggs erase every care you ever had.