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Alyssa’s Loves & Loathes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

LOATHE: Boot Feet

This one I’m aware will take a little explaining. Basically – now that it’s warm enough girls think it’s okay to wear flip flops/sandals to places like The Boot, The Palms, Maple… bars. Just to be clear, this is never okay. The floors of bars are completely disgusting and covered with everything from mud to vomit. A drunk person will undoubtedly step you on, and now that disgusting mixture is on the top your feet. Yay. This simple act of repulsiveness isn’t even my issue though.
The real issue comes when that same girl rolls out of bed the next morning and goes to class in flip flops/sandals with the same nasty feet. Are you kidding me? I realize you didn’t get carried back to your bed until 5am and that 2pm class comes way too early, however, there is a new invention called a shower that I strongly recommend being used. If you don’t think anyone notices, you are wrong. If you don’t think boys notice, you are wrong. Multiple guys have come up to me asking me why girls do this. I have no answer for them. This is beyond the scope of my own understanding of the female species.
Bottom line ladies – always wear closed-toed shoes to the bars, and if you don’t – at least wash your feet before class.