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Alyssa’s Loves & Loathes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

LOATHE: The Cereal Catch-22

As I was sitting there eating my bowl of Special K and watching Crocodile Dundee, it occurs to me just how annoying this is. You know what I mean? You pour your cereal into a bowl, pour the milk, wait for the cereal to soften up to perfection, eat it quickly before it gets too soggy, then in that moment of happiness where you enjoy your last bite you realize there is still a lot of milk in the bowl.  You can’t waste this milk, which leaves you with two options. Drink it from the bowl or add more cereal. But you can’t drink it now because there are little cereal bits still floating around in it, plus it kinda has a cereal aftertaste. So into the bowl goes more Special K.  But then there’s not enough milk to get the cereal soggy. Into the bowl goes more milk. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle that just keeps going until you finish the whole box, or Crocodile Dundee, whichever comes first.