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Alyssa’s Loves & Loathes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

LOVE: Finding a song that describes exactly how I feel I’m sure it’s happened to everyone. You are on top of the world, everything is going exactly the way you want it to, then that perfect happy song comes on the radio. It’s like the world is sharing in your happiness. You can’t help but belting out the lyrics as loud as you can, completely out of tune. You dance around like a crazy person, but this isyour song, so it doesn’t matter.

It probably happened when you were sad, too. I love those moments just as much. It’s like someone out there felt the exact way you feel. It’s like your pain and suffering is somehow more tolerable because someone else got through it before you. Music allows us connect as a society, allows us to not feel so alone and isolated. Music saves people.

In college it’s easy to get caught up the stress and constant motion and ever-present feeling that there should definitely be more hours in the day. But I encourage everyone to try to take 4 minutes every day to listen to a song you love. I promise it makes life that much better.

In the spirit of coming together and being happy through music, I’d like to ask everyone to post as a comment their favorite song or artist, or maybe a time when music has really helped you through something, or made something that was already awesome that much better.

Mine current favorite song is Regina Spektor’s The Calculation. <3