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The 5 Types of People You Meet During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Finals week is a stressful time for everyone, but different types of people deal with the stress in different ways. Some find a way to overcome it and others let it take over their lives. Here’s the five types of people you’re bound to meet during finals:

1. The Howard Tiltons

The Howard Tiltons, or HTs for short, are the people who disappear a week before their first final begins and don’t reappear until after their last one is over. The HTs are the ones who you almost forget about because you don’t see or hear from them for the entire duration of finals. Nobody knows whether or not they want to be a HT. The HTs are admirable because of their dedication and focus, but they also turn into zombies for the duration of finals. 


2. Stressed Stacys

The Stressed Stacys are similar to the Howard Tiltons except they don’t need to be locked in the library to be stressed. You run into them occasionally during finals week, but every time you do they look disheveled and confused. It doesn’t matter whether they have a final tomorrow or next week, they will always be stressed and never have an adequate way to deal with it.  


3. Balanced Beckys

The Balanced Beckys do it right. They know how to study but also know how to not over do it. They allow themselves a few hours to study but don’t give up everything else in their lives during finals week to do so. During finals they are well rested and put together, while most other people they encounter are simply exhausted and drained. 


4. The Booters

The Booters know they have finals to study for but simply just don’t care. The Booters are the ones you envy. You wish you could be just as carefree and you admire their ability to blow off studying without a second thought. You’ve tried to be a Booter, but you find yourself leaving your night out early because you’re too stressed about your final the next morning. Nobody knows how the Booters do it, but everyone wishes they could be one. The end result is where the Booters vary, though. Some can pull it off and still miraculously ace their exams, and those are the ones everyone secretly hates. The rest of the Booters, though, are who you envy until you see how your hard work pays off and their partying doesn’t. 


5. The Campus Cats

The Campus Cats, like the famous Tulane cats, are simply mysteries. Nobody truly knows their whereabouts during finals week but in a different way than the Howard Tiltons. No, the Cats won’t be found in the library or at the bars, they just simply come and go and appear whenever and wherever at random. But bribe them with food and they might just appear.


Whichever category describes you best, just remember you’ll get through the stress and it will all be over soon. Happy studying!

Her Campus Tulane