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5 Reasons Why T Swift Should Be Your Idol

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

So, why should Taylor Swift be your idol (if she isn’t already)? Well, to put it simply, she is an all-around amazing human being….in addition to being über talented and beautiful.

But, in case you need further convincing, here are a few more reasons why she is possibly the coolest person ever. It’s clear she’s going to keep on rocking it for the rest of 2015 and beyond. No doubt in my mind she’ll continue to give us all a lot to live up to (and many more pumpin’ jams along the way).



She’s super generous

At the tender age of 25, Tay Tay was named the most charitable celebrity of 2014 by DoSomething.org. Now, please just take a moment to let that sink in. Not only has she given to countless charities including but not limited to UNICEF, Feeding America, Habitat for Humanity, Stand Up To Cancer, Red Cross, and Children in Need, but she has also donated all proceeds from her single “Welcome to New York” to New York City public schools. Talk about using your fame and riches for good. You go, girl.


She’s unbelievably thoughtful

Please tell me, who hand picks and sends Christmas gifts to their biggest fans simply because they can? T Swizzle, of course. This girl has a heart of gold. She sure knows how to make someone feel loved.


She’s completely in-the-know

If y’all don’t already know the “no its becky” meme that became super famous on Tumblr, it’s basically this comical post someone made, and T Swift was self-aware and internet savvy enough to acknowledge and make a shirt out of this arcane joke among Tumblr nerds. (For further explanation https://storify.com/cbccommunity/taylor-swift-wears-a-no-it-s-becky-shirt-tumblr-ex



She doesn’t let anything stop her

First of all, T Swift’s determination started early on, when she went from door to door as an eleven year old on Music Row trying to get producers’ attention, to no avail. Years later, even after she’s incredibly successful, her determination shines. She fights for what she believes in and never really lets haters bring her down. As we all know, she shamelessly makes fun of her exes and laughs off people who call her crazy. Another testament to her resilience? Fun fact: she accidentally punched herself in the mouth and chipped a tooth while performing one night, but didn’t miss a beat. Tay, you never cease to amaze us.


She does what she loves

Basically, Taylor spends most of her life doing what she loves with people she loves. She works crazy hard, but she also strives for balance (she loves to cook and chill with her super cool friends). T Swift knows what she’s passionate about and she succeeds at doing it… who doesn’t want that in life?? Keep killing it, girl, because you’re an inspiration to us all.