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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


With the big day coming up in just a few days, it’s important that you know all the essentials for looking hot when you’re feeling greeeaatt. You’ll be sure to see anyone who’s anyone lounging on the hill and you certainly don’t want to be the girl with the red eyes, smeared makeup, and bad breath. Here are five items/tips to keep in your purse while chillen out with your friends and maybe that cutie from last weekend:


1)    Visine – Pick up a mini bottle from CVS ASAP and store it in your purse throughout the day. The drops provide relief for itchy, red, dry, burning, watery eyes and other symptoms from eye irritation and allergies (AKA they will keep your eyes bright and cheery all day long).


2)    Concealer – Nothing is worse than when your eyeliner starts to get a bit droopy. This is more than likely to happen on a day like today, so be sure to put a concealer stick in your bag to dab under your eyes. We love Bobbi Brown’s Foundation stick which can be found at any major department store.


3)    Tic-Tacs – Throughout the day you might be getting hungry, and getting hungry means eating food (any food!), and eating food means bad breath. Especially with all the photos being taken and heads being smushed together, pop a few tic-tacs in every now and then to keep the stench to a minimum. Feel free to share with friends.



4)    Sunglasses – Put on your stunna shades and embrace the sunshine. Your eyes will thank you for sheltering them from that bright glare and you will give off that chill vibe.


5)    Painted Nails – Paint your nails a fun color so they look fresh and polished while you’re lounging out in the sun. We love bright pastels or vibrant neons by Deborah Lippmann (all your girls will love them, too!).

Photos courtesy of: mojopharmacy.com, freshpeel.com, ledchristmaslighting.com, temptalia.com, sephora.com

Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!