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What Happened Last Night? Release #3

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

This week we have some love drunk girls, a video “star,” and some frustrated chicks. Check out these What Happened Last Night stories from Tufts students by clicking through the following pages! 

Also, don’t forget to submit your stories from this weekend HERE



I always find myself in the situation that at first I’m not as interested in a guy, but as he starts putting a little more effort I start showing more interest, but then he seems to start to lose interest. Also, I always find myself questioning how far is acceptable to go with a guy, is their a general timeline… lol not really a specific story, but any advice on how to keep their interest?

Well…you’ve definitely piqued our interest. As for the timeline, no guy wants anything serious with a girl who’s willing to give it all up that easy, so it really depends on what you see this guy as in your future. Guys want a challenge, but be careful—as quick as guys are to buy the car, it’s just a matter of time before they trade it in for the new model. So don’t come on too strong, and don’t fall for the traps or promises a guy will make to get you into bed. Listen to your instincts and be smart, and one day the right guy will come to you and stick.
BK and JT


I think I probably drank wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much this weekend, but anyways here’s the story: So ya, it was homecoming, and I am pretty sure I don’t remember anything past 10 am… And so ya all I know is I woke up at 7pm on Saturday in South Hall (I live uphill…) in what was clearly a guy’s room, but idk who’s it was! HELP?! Do you think the guy knows who I am?

This guy definitely knows you now, and by the looks of it, doesn’t want to get to know you anymore. It’s a bad sign when you scare a guy away from his own room. Don’t get too offended—any guy would choose tailgating over babysitting a drunk girl…unless he’s getting some tail in return.
BK and JT


Last night I made a video about how awesome I am. Today I realized nobody else thinks its awesome.

Sex tapes are no way to get attention and will come back to bite you.

BK and JT


So I like a boy and I think he likes me, but we haven’t hooked up yet. Would it be weird to invite him to a screw?

We think inviting this boy to screw is a win-win situation: it’s not quite as fancy as a formal, but it still is a date event… and to go along with the casual vibe of the night, it’s a plus that you two have never hooked up. There are no expectations to live up to, so stop stressing and ask him.
BK and JT


This weekend a boy who I have always just been friends with tried to make a move and kiss me when we were out, and I feel super awkward around him now… It’s not like he’s unattractive or anything, he’s just my FRIEND, and I don’t really know if I want it to be more than that. So, I don’t know what to do now, because we used to just hang out casually all the time, but now I feel sort of awkward being around him….

Don’t look too much into his attempt. Since it was the weekend, chances are he was drunk. And who hasn’t acted a little out of line when they’ve had one too many? So, Miss Vain, maybe you should consider the fact that he probably just sees you as a friend also. On another note, he’s the one who should be embarrassed, not you. You have the power to make things not awkward; don’t punish him for a little mistake, he obviously means something to you and this is nothing to ruin a friendship over.
BK and JT

P.S You admitted you found him attractive, so it may not hurt to give it a try. After all, the best relationships come from friendships.


So there’s this group of girls that thinks they’re the popular crew just because they can’t stop taking pictures with every frat guy they know so it looks as if they’re friends with him. They just can’t leave high school behind. It’s adorable though, because no one thinks they’re popular – in fact, most people don’t even know them (or OF them for that matter). Many of those frat guys have been heard saying they don’t even like those betchy sluts. I saw them this weekend and realized that I really feel bad for them. How can we finally explain to this pathetic group of wannabees that they just might not be the cool crew?

If nobody knows who they are, then why are you so obsessed with talking about them? Because trust us when we say that these girls are not giving a second thought to you or your Facebook photos. As you correctly pointed out, this isn’t high school, so you shouldn’t be gossiping about them to any frat guy who will listen. It’s interesting that these frat guys spend so much time talking smack about these girls when you claim they even don’t know them (“or OF them for that matter.”) Do everyone a favor and focus on your own life, it seems like there’s enough people focusing on this crew.

BK and JT

P.S Congratulations! This post made them even more popular. As they say, any press is good press. And for future reference, this column is for funny anecdotes.

Photos courtesy of: tumblr.com, ehow.com, hercampus.com, kwipster.net, youtube.com, notyourmommascookie.com

Christie is a rising sophomore at Tufts. She absolutely adores coffee in any form,  believes that any dessert can be made better with nutella and any meal better with hot sauce.  In her spare time, she dabbles in graphic design, playing guitar, and photography. She also adores makeup and beauty and believes it's more of an art form than people give it credit for. Music is definitely a huge part of her life: she always has her iPod on and frequently goes to concerts.