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What to Expect: Winter Bash

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


Winter bash is coming up in ONE day. For first timers, here is some insight on what to expect on this Friday night. These expectations are generated from past recent years.


1)   Getting to the bus


If you got the 9:00pm or 9:30pm bus, congratulations! But prepare to wait in a long line, which starts in front of the Aidekman Arts Center for about thirty minutes. According to weather forecast, the temperature might be as low as 18 degrees. Perhaps bringing more comfortable shoes would be a good idea, or you may have to take them off while you wait. Not only are there about 2,000 people who will be attending Winter Bash, but also as any other dance event, some people will be intoxicated. TEMS will be at the boarding point to check for any drunken behavior. People have been refused to board the bus, because they had too much to drink. It is okay to have fun, but be wise about it.


2)   While on the bus

You have survived the long line in the cold, and passed TEMS. Now you are on the bus. The bus ride will be loud and there is a chance that you may not get to set with your friends. Thankfully, the bus ride is not long.


3)   Coat Check

Beginning in 2011, Tufts has implemented a new self-service coat system, which significantly improved the procedure. However, it will be easier to locate your coat if you wear a colored coat, as opposed to a black one, which everyone has. 


4)   Freshening up

Depending on when you go to the bathroom, walking into the bathroom during Winter Bash can be like entering Tufts drama and gossip central. Similarly to prom, Winter bash is where romance and sentimental truths are revealed or expressed.


5) Getting to the party


As you walk to the hotel’s ballroom, prepare to be stared at or even approached by other hotel guests. Most people are probably too excited for the fun that waits them to notice the glares, but for those who are more self conscious, this is a little heads up.


6)   Inside the party

Champagne style glasses, tasty hor d’oevres and chic décor—the atmosphere of Winter Bash is much classier than Fall Ball, but expect similar action. The dance floor might take a bit of time to warm up, but it eventually gets fired up to Fall Ball status.


The 21 plus section is a good place to hang out and take a break from the crowded dance floor. However, the beverage menu last year was limited to beer or wine. Each cost $10.


Regardless to some minor downsides, people in general have enjoyed Winter Bash. It is also an opportunity to dress to impress, which is always a plus. 

Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!