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Weird Places to Have Sex

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Hey Jumbo’s what’s up? Love Guru here. This week I dipped my feet in riskier waters and asked your fellow collegiettes for the weirdest places that they have had sex in. You can only imagine some of the looks I got! But you have to do what you have to do, and I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing some of Tuft’s most sexually adventurous.


Here’s what the freshmen had to say…

Freshman guy: My high school girl and I had sex in the parking lot, while our

parents had their dinner at fine restaurant.

Got to satisfy the appetite one way or another… bone appetit.


Freshman girl: I may have once had sex on the beach.

You know what? As long as the sand didn’t go up certain places it’s all good.


And your sophomores…

Sophomore guy: In a bounce house. It was the best Bar Mitzvah I’ve been to.

Mazel Tov! Now that’s a real passage into manhood.


Sophomore girl: I once had sex in a police station bathroom.

I see you like to live on the wild side…why again where you at the police station?!


Some insight from the juniors…

Junior guy: On a ski lift…

You’ve got some high stakes. I get it, though. It was your warm-up. Gotta prep for the run.


Junior girl: …on the deck of a cruise ship.

You just redefined Pirate Booty.


And finally, the seniors…

Senior guy: My buddy’s front lawn…

What position was it in…the lawn mower?


Senior girl: I once did the dirty on a mini golf course.

You know what they say. There’s always a way to putt-putt it in.


There you have it jumbos. When there’s a will, there’s a way. If you’re ever in a restaurant, at a friend’s house, on mini golf course, at a Bar Mitzvah, in a police station, or even at the beach, maybe try one of these out. There’s nothing wrong with being sexually adventurous, and the thrill of it all will surely spice up your love lives.



Your Tufts Love Guru



Image taken from www.heartymagazine.com




Tufts Love Guru Here. I give advice on all those love dilemmas that collegiette's have!