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Trevor Partington ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name:  Trevor Partington, ‘14
Hometown:  Seattle
Status: Single
Major: Chemical Engineering
Favorite Spice Girl:  Sporty because she’s sporty and I enjoy playing sports.
Favorite Holiday:  Halloween because it’s one week before my birthday and it’s always interesting and fun.
Favorite Movie: The Lion King
A genie grants you 3 wishes, what do you wish for?:  1. Lots of free time 2. My fish to come back to life 3. The world not to end in 2012
Favorite Thing about Tufts:   My floor, Houston 2 West.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers: Power Rangers
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?:  Pay for college and I would buy a house.
Superpower:  Teleport through space and time so I don’t have to wait in traffic.  It would be nice to not drive sometimes.
Pet Peeve: When people overreact.
Guilty Pleasure: I like doing my math homework more than most people should.
Best Present Received:  All the presents and cards my twin sister gave me.
Best Halloween Costume: A blue crayon.
Hobbies:  I play piano and soccer.  I like to go hiking and hanging out with my friends.
What did you want to be when you were younger?: I wanted to be a paleontologist because I really liked dinosaurs and I wanted to just dig up their bones.
Do you have any phobias?:  I used to be afraid of spiders but now I’m over that.
If you were an animal, what would you be?:  I would be a lion because of The Lion King.  Also in high school I was nicknamed Simba and Lion.