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Transform Your Products: Nail it!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Makeup and cosmetics aren’t only limited to our face and body, nails need some TLC too. They’re one thing that’s often overlooked but can really add impact to a look. I’ll be sharing five essential tools to keep your nails happy and healthy!

1. A Strengthening Nail Polish Remover
Changing polish colors is one of the most fun things about painting your nails! However, aside from the polish itself possibly staining your nails (use a base coat! Especially with dark/pigmented colors), the harsh chemicals in polish remover could cause your nails to rip and peel. This is especially a problem for someone whofrequently changes their color. Strengthening polish removers are infused with nutrients to avoid this as well as help your nails get even stronger.
Up&Up (Target Brand) Non-Acetone Delete&Repeat Protein Enriched Nail Polish Remover– (Prices Vary Between Stores, but I remember paying about $2.00) at Target
2. A Quick Drying Top Coat
Like I said before, changing polish colors and needing to remove the polish often isn’t good for your nails. If you’re doing your nails in a hurry, you’re bound to smudge and have to start over – putting more wear and tear on your nails. A quick drying top coat will help avoid this. Plus, if you don’t want to wear polish but you want your nails to look healthy, just put a quick layer of top coat on!
Sally Hansen Dries Instantly 30-Second Top Coat –$4.99 at CVS

3. A Glass Nail File
Glass nail files are built to last and work more smoothly (no pun intended!) than the cardboard/paper files.They take less pressure to use and don’t wear out as quickly. Remember to file in one direction rather than back and forth to create cleaner edges that don’t split.
Sephora Collection Glass Nail File– $8 at Sephora
4. A Nail/Cuticle Oil
By getting an oil to put on your nails and cuticles once a week or so, you can keep them moisturized and looking healthy. Plus, it becomes easier to push back your cuticles so they don’t become overgrown or rip. This also helps soften the skin on the side of your nails to avoid peeling or cuts.
Almond Nail & Cuticle Oil– $12 at The Body Shop

5. A Good Quality Nail Clipper
This one seems self-explanatory, but I’m going to say it anyway. Make sure to get a nail clipper that does not take a lot of pressure or bending to cut your nails. This will just cause unevenness and possible breaking on your nails. Plus, a better quality clipper means less time spent on cutting your nails which is always a bonus – we’re always looking for more time in the day, right?
Stiles Nail Clipper – $5.99 at Target
Christie is a rising sophomore at Tufts. She absolutely adores coffee in any form,  believes that any dessert can be made better with nutella and any meal better with hot sauce.  In her spare time, she dabbles in graphic design, playing guitar, and photography. She also adores makeup and beauty and believes it's more of an art form than people give it credit for. Music is definitely a huge part of her life: she always has her iPod on and frequently goes to concerts.