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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Netflix did a solid for every college student in America by announcing its release of all ten seasons of Friends on January 1, 2015. To be honest, this is perfect timing because then I can binge-watch all 236 episodes over winter break. Could you imagine if Netflix released the show during the school year? I would watch episodes during my lecture classes and ultimately fail out of college. In honor of being able to hang out with these six friends whenever possible, I have compiled a list of my favorite parts of the show to get you ready for winter break.


Everything About Phoebe

Just the name Phoebe makes me smile. She points out life’s difficulties, but always gets through with a smile on her face. Also, “Smelly Cat” was the song of the 1990’s.


Chandler’s Jokes

He predicted the eternal reign of Queen Beyoncé! He faces his insecurities with humor, and basically is every college kid’s soul mate.


Ross’s Dad

In many ways my personal spirit animal, Jack Geller is the grown up version of the nerdy Tufts boy. With puns galore, Jack’s humor might be unintentional, but it’s adorable nonetheless.


Guest Stars


Brad Pitt! #TeamJennifer4life! This was from back in the good old days when Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were in love. If anything, re-watch this episode to reminisce on true love.



Photo Sources: http://collegetimes.com/2014/04/09/5-reasons-love-phoebe-buffay, http://www.pinterest.com/pin/89720217551890257/ http://www.buzzfeed.com/krystieyandoli/jack-gellers-best-lines-on-friends, http://popwatch.ew.com/2009/11/25/friends-thanksgiving/