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Stylitics.com: Your Virtual Closet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


Who isn’t a victim to the mind’s ability to forget that piece of clothing bought that one time, that was never worn, and now hangs neglected in the corner of the closet? Who hasn’t looked at what is visible in their closet and thought that it’s time to go shopping, because there’s just NOTHING to wear?

Stylitics.com is a way to supplement your memory and revitalize your fashion, helping you realize that sweatpants are not all you own. As students, so much time is spent on our laptops (and phone, there’s an app, too!) in the library. A virtual closet that you can take anywhere to help you plan what you want to wear to the next party is truly a time-and-money-conscious-Collegiette’s best friend.

There’s an economic incentive to use Stylitics.com, too! It helps you track how many times you’ve worn an item, how much you’ve spent on clothing, and the cost-per-wear of an item (basically helping you decide whether those $120 statement pants were really worth the two times you’ve gotten to wear them). Plus there are deals and rewards to unlock. Who doesn’t love a free stuff and sales?

You can also share outfits and closets with others on Stylitics.com, creating a cluster of your favorite brands and bloggers, who all care about finding out what other girls with good fashion senses are wearing (and where they got their pieces).



Stylitics.com is hosting a contest, running from October 25th through November 9th, to find the most stylish student amongst colleges and high schools. Top ten students voted on by the users will then be voted on by industry experts to chose the winner who gets to showcase their entire closet alongside celebrities, bloggers, and style icons as part of the mid-November “Featured Closets” launch.

Finals aren’t until December, ladies. Take a break to share your fashion sense with the web! Might lead to unexpected rave reviews by industry experts. And if you don’t win…having fashion inspiration, a virtual closet, and a financial advisor never hurt anybody. 


Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!