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Show me the Downward Dog: TSR yoga classes, and a free promo for HC readers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

For those of you who have considered attending the Yoga and Pilates classes run by Tufts Student Resources (TSR) but have not had the chance to check them out or feel a little intimidated to attend them because you are not sure what to expect, this article is for you. There are three different Yoga classes, each taught by different instructors, and one Pilates class. Here is the inside dish on these four, although there are plenty more to choose from, if none of these spark your interest!:
Yoga 101
Saturday 10am
Instructor Natalia describes this class as “a way for people to start Yoga”. And indeed, it is the most beginner-friendly class and thus has the highest average number of students. The class goes through the basic poses, putting the most focus on relaxing your muscles. The pacing of this class is rather quick compared to the other two classes, which makes it the least intense because your body does not have to hold a pose for a long period of time. What is special about this class is that it runs on Saturday mornings at 10am-11am. So for those of you who like to party on Friday nights, this class is a great motivating factor to rise up by 10am, fight the hangover, and release all the stress and drama that may have occurred the night before. I also personally like this class, because by starting my day a little earlier with a good hour of stretching and deep breaths, my mind readies itself for work and productivity and my Saturdays don’t go to waste (for the most part).

Power Yoga

Monday 12pm
                Although Power Yoga emphasizes building core strength and flexibility, it does not necessarily entail building six packs. But with some hard work and regular attendance, you may end up having nice toned abs! When asked what Yoga means to her, Instructor Aleta does not shy away from expressing her enthusiasm, “Yoga is a religion for me,” she said. Speaking of religion, in addition to her soothing voice and intonation, Aleta also plays the best collection of spiritual music, creating a spa-like atmosphere that makes the experience even more soothing and enjoyable. During class, she asks us to conduct a little introspection by scanning through our bodies and spotting where tensions are located. For example, I always find a couple of knots on my shoulders in the beginning of class. Also, because this class runs during open block on Mondays, it serves as a relaxing escape from the stress and tension you may face at the beginning of the week.
Intermediate Vinyassa Yoga
Wednesday 7pm
                Of all the three Yoga classes, Intermediate Vinyassa Yoga is the most technical and advanced class, but it is by no means impossibly difficult. We do not do 180 angle leg splits, but newbies may find this class a little tough because poses are held significantly longer and are modified to increase the level of difficulty. Instructor Alexandra takes her class seriously and cares a lot about her students. During class, she may come around and politely ask you if she could readjust your pose. However, you should not worry about being put in the spotlight because she always corrects more than one person and because nobody actually takes notice, since everybody is focused on themselves. Furthermore, like any other physical activity, the benefits of yoga are maximized when it is done correctly. Having a yoga class at 7pm may seem a little weird, but since eating before yoga can make you really sick, it actually saves me from having a big dinner, which is one of the main causes of weight gain.
Thursday 1pm

                Instructor Sarah describes Pilates as a “combination of conditioning and stretching [that] engages the entire body”. As Sarah accurately puts it, in this class we do core workouts mixed with  yoga elements. One example is doing the sun salutation but with pushups. And do not be fooled by the awesome bubbly music by Feist, Jack Johnson, and Regina Spektor that plays during class. Pilates is intense, hands down. If you have attended this class and found it easy, chances are you probably have abs of steel. But for anyone that seeks an intense workout with awesome group motivation (because like me, you may not have the will power to go the gym consistently) this is the class for you. Another reason that makes Pilates painful but great is the fact that it puts heavy emphasis on the abs and bum muscles, which gives you that extra juicy self-confidence that you may or may not need.


                In addition to these equally awesome and beneficial classes, TSR Fitness also offer many other classes such as Caliente Cardio Dance and Cardio Kickboxing, which are definitely worth checking out! Lucky for you, TSR is offering a chance for you to do so!
TSR Promotion for our awesome readers of HC Tufts:
Print this page and email tsrfitness@gmail.comfor one free class pass (limit to one per person). In the email please include your name and date of the class you are planning to attend. This promotion is only valid for Spring Semester 2011. Check out http://www.tuftsstudentresources.com or email tsrfitness@gmail.com for more information or questions.