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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

He’s jolly, he’s a little round around the middle, and he’s DAMN SEXY.  See a side of Santa that you’ve never seen before.

Name: Santa Claus (Kris Kringle if you’re nasty)

Major: Gift-Giving with a minor in Elvish

What’s your ideal superpower? The ability to stop time.  Boy, it would really make my job easier!

If a movie were made about your life, which actor would play you?  I’d have to go with Robert Downey Jr.  He’s got that badass thing going on, just like me.

What’s your favorite food?  I like chocolate chip cookies with milk.  Only whole milk, though.  I’ve got to stay plump for the ladies.

What are your favorite colors?  Seriously?  Are you seriously asking me that?  Red and green, of course.

Do you have any pets?  I’ve got tons of reindeer.  They’re good to me.

What’s your favorite thing about Tufts?  All the girls on the Naughty List.  ;)

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.