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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


Our names are Dana and Jen (Den or Jana work too because we’re basically that inseparable). As you may have guessed, we’re roommates who got super lucky in finding each other. No joke, we found each other through our mutual love of guacamole on the freshman girl roommate facebook page. After deciding to be roomies, we eventually filled out the Tufts housing survey; and low and behold, we were each other’s top match. We call ourselves “soul roomies.”


As “soul roomies,” we love to laugh together over not so great roommate matches and crazy stories. We’ve collected some of the best from Tufts students. Some are strange; some are crazy; some are funny; and some are downright traumatic. We hope you enjoy these just as much as we do, or perhaps laugh about them with your roomie!


“My roommate makes fun of me for signing up for Tufts’ Laundry Services but we’ve been at school for almost a month now and she is JUST getting around to doing her first round of laundry!”


“My roommate had sex in the room while I was sleeping.”


“My roommate frequently sits in the hallway of our dorm floor FaceTiming her friends from home and she never seems to be wearing pants.”


“My roommate talks in her sleep and once “ordered” a Subway sandwich.”


“I walked into my room to stumble upon a passionate lovemaking session between my roommate and my wilder sister, who I had just recently introduced. I told them to take their time and went into my friends room and played some FIFA. Overall, a great night.”