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NOBODY MOVE: There’s a New Fall Drink at Starbucks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

If anyone else has been endlessly procrastinating their work today and browsing Elite Daily, Perez Hilton or US Weekly instead, then they must be well aware of the bomb Starbucks has dropped on men, women and children around the country. There’s a new flavor in town: the Toasted Graham Latte. 

It may seem unbelievable, but its been FOUR years since Starbucks has introduced a new fall beverage. For those of us fall flavor enthusiasts who have felt cheated by the seemingly endless list of Frappuccino flavors, this is a big deal. 

Starbucks’ “beverage R&D manager” Yoke Wong, AKA the angel who created this new flavor, says that the latte is created with espresso, “steamed milk, flavors of graham and sweet cream and finished with a sprinkling of cinnamon graham crumbles.” Pretty sure none of us will be settling down in Tisch for the evening without it. 

Needless to say, drop what you’re doing and find a friend with a car or one willing to walk a mile to the nearest Starbucks. This is a day that will likely go down in the books of (basic) history. Enjoy and happy first official day of fall, it’s going to be a good one!







Freshman hailing from New Hampshire. Interests include giraffes, mac-and-cheese, the beach and netflix (obviously).