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Navigating the Frat Scene at Tufts: A Freshman’s Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Are you a freshman looking for a good time? Well look no further, because here is the tell-all guide to frat life on campus. Although Tufts may not be a large state school, Greek life is actually quite prominent on campus and will offer a versatile scene every weekend (although Friday’s not guaranteed). Don’t worry if you’re not a member of a chapter; you can still attend open events! Here’s some helpful information you should know:


1. Themes: one of the most important and exciting parts about frat parties! Dressing up with your friends not only spices up your wardrobe, but can also open up a topic of convo with a potential sexy suitor. Be prepared for workout themes, office scandals, and decade-related attire. Just go for it girl! Don’t hold back on your costumes.

2. Timing: Parties usually start later than the listed time on the event page. Don’t feel pressure to be right on time. Relax! Being fashionably late is encouraged; this avoids awkward standing around and first-person-at-the-party syndrome.

3. Dancing: Be prepared for dancing of all types. In one corner, you may see a group of girls flailing their arms and screaming along to the song lyrics. Grinding will be outward and in your face; but don’t be alarmed – it’s a natural part of the college mating scene. When it comes down to it though, dancing with your gals guarantees a fun night. Interpretive dancing is always encouraged, and don’t be afraid to strike a move solo!

4. Hookups: This topic is unavoidable when talking about frat parties. It’s okay to have that random dance floor makeout, because everyone else is preoccupied with their own affairs and probably pursuing a lover of their own. But although it might seem like everyone is finding a random hookup, don’t feel pressured to partake. In fact, a lot of girls have equally as much fun dancing with their girls and eating hot dogs from Moes at the end of the night. Do what with you feel comfortable with and what tailors to your moral values.

5. The Escape: Sometimes you run in to people who are a little too aggressive or touchy-feely. If someone is invading your personal space, use these tips to make your escape.

1. Just run away. Book it.

2. Signal to your friend to come over and dance you away from the aggressor.

3. Say you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

4. Use self-defense skills to physically remove the aggressor from your space.

5. Deter them with emotions and start talking about an ex or morbid topics.

6. The Post-Game: Ah, the post-game. Eating will happen after parties. Don’t deny it. Just accept it. Whether it be a vending machine spree, or a Blue-zone from Helen’s, chilling and eating with your friends is the perfect way to end the night. Or, if you’re trying to avoid the Freshman 15, go to bed immediately. Mix it up/ Variety is what keeps life interesting.

Well, there you have it. Some basic tips for knowing how to handle yourself in Tufts’s eclectic and spontaneous fraternity scene. Most importantly, be yourself, make new friends, and try to remember their names the next day.


Photo source: anchorbcr.com; liquidforce.com; quickmeme.com; blindgossip.com; americanpermalight.com; flickr.com