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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Matt Soblé

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Class Year: 2015

Major: Architectural Studies

Relationship Status: Single
What is your zodiac sign?  Scorpio
Describe your perfect mate in three words. Beautiful Inside (and) Out
Do you play sports? I played baseball in high school and I row crew.
Favorite Position? Take that as you will.  All up in the catch
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Paris, 1920.
What is your favorite movie?  The Departed
What are your summer plans?  Bartending
If you were an animal what would you be?  A panther
What is your favorite thing about Tufts?  The people and AEPi

Do you know a Campus Cutie?  Nominate them here!

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.