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Marty Donovan ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name:  Marty Donovan, ‘12
Hometown: Bethel, Maine
Status: Single
Major: English with a Film Studies Minor
Favorite Spice Girl: Baby Spice because she’s just so darn cute.
If your house was on fire, what are 3 things you would save?: My favorite jacket,  my blankets that I’ve had for years, and any babies or puppies that happen to be in the house at the time.  I’m just trying to be a hero.
Favorite thing about Tufts: Its size – It’s small enough where you get to run into people but it’s big enough where you can always meet new people every  weekend.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?: I would buy a car, buy a motorcycle, help my parents pay for college, and use the rest to save any babies or puppies that need rescuing.
Guilty pleasure: Chick flicks. I love Love Actually, Music and Lyrics, and Rambo 3.
What actor would play you in a movie?: Marky Mark Wahlberg or Robin Williams.
Best Halloween Costume: Freshman year of high school I was Jesus and my friends were Moses and a sheep. Sophomore year we were Hanson.  Junior year I was an old Irish farmer when I was abroad in Ireland. Senior year we were the Anchormen news team and I was Brian “Sex Panther” Fantana.  Freshman year of Tufts I was Ricky Bobby and Tarzan.  Sophomore year I was Johnny Appleseed, I just carried around a bunch of apples. Junior year I was William Wallace, because he’s a badass.  I like Halloween.
Hobbies: I play the guitar, I enjoy playing any pick up sport, like basketball or Frisbee, I enjoy hanging out with friends, cooking, saving babies and puppies, and being a hero.  I’m also a wind surfing instructor at summer camp.
Best Pick-Up Line Used: I don’t need pick-up lines.
Celebrity Crush: Probably Jessica Alba. Or Taylor Swift. Or Marky Mark Wahlberg.
What did you want to be when you were younger: When I was really young I wanted to be a sumo wrestler so I could eat whatever I wanted. Then I wanted to be a farmer because I love animals. And then I wanted to be an actor because I love attention. And now I have no idea.