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Journal of an Exercise Amateur

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

         “Exercise” is the ugliest word in my vocabulary.  It just looks like a painful word.  Like execution.  Or extermination.  I haven’t really been to the gym in over two years and I certainly haven’t been working out at home.  Well, unless you count dancing in TDC or running up the rape steps in a late-to-class frenzy. The point is, I’m out of shape, plain and simple.  The fact that I’m not morbidly obese at this point is a miracle of biblical proportions.  Needless to say, something has to change.

           Before my body gets too upset with me, I’m going to (try to) start working out.  Part of the reason I hate the idea of exercise is because I feel like I should like it.  To calm my anxiety, I had a chat with one of the most athletic people I know- my housemate, Lindsay.  Her advice was simple: It’s okay to be miserable, as long as you do what you need to do anyways.  It’s okay to dread the idea of walking to Cousens.  It’s okay to mope about being on the treadmill.  It’s especially okay to never want to go back to the gym.  As long as you do it anyways.

With this little piece of inspiration, my plan is to workout for three days in a row.  I know it sounds lame, but it’s a realistic goal for a beginner like me.  Wish me luck!  (Seriously, I’ll need it.)



10:05 am: Turns out I actually have a pretty extensive workout wardrobe.  Extensive for a person who doesn’t work out, that is.  This is a nice surprise.

10:25 am: I just tried to give my Tufts ID to the people in the Fitness Center only to get the most confused look in return.  Apparently they don’t hold onto your card anymore like they used to a few years ago.  Embarrassing.

10:27 am: I’m on the Elliptical!  I.  Am.  Awesome.

10:29 am: Ow.

10:30 am: Oww.

10:57 am: That was really difficult and I’m sweating.  But I did it!  I think the endorphins are kicking in.  Or maybe I’m going to vom.  One or the other.



4:40 pm: Yesterday wasn’t so bad, so I feel optimistic today.  I’m walking to Cousens wearing shorts, so hopefully people will see me and think, “Wow, look at that girl going to the gym!  She must be athletic and completely in shape!”

4:50 pm: All of the Ellipticals are taken so I’ll just sit on this mat and stretch.  And there’s a hot guy next to me doing crunches.  He must be showing off to impress me.  Yah, let’s go with that explanation.

5:11 pm: I’ve got 14 minutes left on this thing and I’ve already listened to “We R Who We R” by Ke$ha at least three times.  I really need a workout playlist.

5:15 pm: Well, I don’t have to listen to that song anymore because my iPod just died.  Perfect.

5:30 pm: I’m walking home and the cold air feels amazing.  I actually went to the gym two days in a row.  Good for me.



9:35 am: Omigod my legs are so sore.  Mental note: stretch more after working out.  A lot more.

4:30 pm: I’m going to do one of those free workout videos on TV.  This one’s supposed to work my upper body…

4:38 pm: I’ve never felt more like a grandma in my entire life.  This video is just too slow and easy, even for me.  I’m switching to the belly dance one.  Sounds promising.

5:03 pm: Did that trainer really expect my body to move like that?  She moved like a professional and I moved like someone with abdominal pain.  But I did it and I feel like it was a good enough workout, so I’m done for the night.


I am embarrassingly proud of myself.  Working out was not even a little bit fun, but I did it anyways.  I’d really like to keep this up.  Even twice a week would be a big improvement.  Who knows, maybe someday I’ll actually enjoy hitting the gym.  (A girl can dream, right?)  I did learn a lot though, even in my lame 3 day plan.  They all seem obvious but sometimes it’s the simplest things that you forget:

1.)  Invite Girl Talk, David Guetta, Kanye West, and Missy Elliott to the party.
2.)  Bring water.  For the love of all that is good in this world, don’t forget the water.
3.)  Don’t get too hung up on how fast the person next to you is going, or how much weight he/she is lifting.  Working out is about you, so worry about yourself.  At least you’re at the gym at all!
4.)  You don’t have to go everyday for a week.  In fact, this is probably a bad idea because it’s setting you up for a routine that’s difficult to stick with.  Just work around your week.
5.)  Be prepared to be sore.  It’s almost too easy to allow yourself to skip a gym day because you’re sore.  Stretch as much as you can, especially when you’re a beginner like me.
6.)  Get a gym buddy.  Going to the gym with a friend is motivational, so find someone who wants to get into shape, too.  It might not be the best idea to go with a seasoned athlete because of the potential intimidation factor.  You want your gym buddy to be just as sweaty and disgusting as you.
Most importantly…
7.)  Be ready to handle your soon-to-be ripped body.


1) fitnesstipsforlife.com
2) Photo by Justin McCallum

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.