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Jen Gewant ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Hometown: Long Island, NY

Class Year: 2016

What are you involved with on campus?

I am the Vice President of 180 Degrees Consulting, an Analyst for Tufts Financial Group, and a member of Chi Omega.

What do you do off campus?

I am an Intern at Sierra International and I am the Founder and CEO of IT’SOCIAL.

What is 180 Degrees Consulting?

180 Degrees Consulting is the world’s largest student consultancy. We help non-profits and social enterprises overcome challenges they’re facing so they can have a greater social impact. At the same time, students get real world consulting experience. The organization was founded at the University of Sydney in Australia a few years ago, and today there are branches all around the globe. This past fall semester, I helped establish the Tufts University Branch.

Describe your experience with 180 Degrees Consulting.

In September I became a member of the Founding Executive Board. Since then, my team and I established the Tufts branch from scratch. In December I became the Vice President. I played a large role in establishing the organization on campus, and I’ve sourced one of our 5 non-profit projects. In November, my team and I expanded our Executive Board. This past month, we accepted applications for student consultants and team leaders for the projects. 120 people applied for about 30 spots! It was incredible to see so many Tufts students interested in helping non-profit organizations.

What inspired you to start IT’SOCIAL?

During the process of sourcing the groups for 180 Degrees Consulting, I connected with a potential client through Twitter. Now we are getting ready to do an exciting technology project for the organization. It was really incredible seeing what a few Tweets can do. Also, over winter break, I worked with a budding jewelry company called Aran Rose Designs. I had worked on a project for them with a group during an ExCollege course this past fall, and they wanted guidance for their social media marketing strategy. I architected and implement plans for their social media marketing, including ad pricing and content suggestions. Realizing the power of social media inspired me to start my own company!

How does IT’SOCIAL work?

We have packages ranging from $50-1,000 with varying levels of implementation and education.  We start with a consultation meeting and go from there.  From start to finish, the process should take one month.  During the process, we teach the small business what strategies to use and how to implement them.  We help them create a pricing plan covering how much money to spend on advertisement and when. 

How has this experience with IT’SOCIAL been for you?

It’s been incredible seeing my idea come to life. I’m very grateful for everyone who has encouraged me to achieve my goal of creating IT’SOCIAL! I just finished working with a logo artist, and right now I am in the final phases of establishing the company as an LLC.

Where do you see these two organizations going in the future?

For 180 Degrees Consulting, I hope that we help many more non-profit organizations achieve greater social impact by providing lasting solutions to problems that they may face.  I am really grateful for the students I work with at 180 Degrees Consulting, and I am looking forward to seeing which non-profits we work for in the future.

For IT’SOCIAL, my goal for this month is to establish a team of student interns. In 2014, I hope to finalize the administration details and have at least five clients by the end of the year!

Fun Fact: I like to knit in my free time!


Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!