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Jason Kayne ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Jason Kayne

Nickname(s): Jazzy J

Hometown: Deerfield, IL

Major: Economics

Year: Freshman

Do you play on any sports teams at Tufts? I’ve been playing soccer since I was four or five, and now I play midfield and forward for the Men’s Varsity Soccer team.

Did the team, coach, program, etc. have any impact on your decision to come to Tufts? Yeah, one hundred percent.

What is your favorite part about being on the soccer team? Either the stoop sessions at 167, or the Saturday morning home games.

Are you involved in any other activities, either on or off campus?? Mainly just soccer on campus, but at home I volunteer at an animal shelter.

Do you have any siblings? I have a younger brother, Troy, who is 17 and is basically identical to me.

What are your three favorite things about Tufts so far? Jeff Straus, the soccer team, and Moe’s.

Are you single, taken, waiting till marriage … ? Single.

Favorite Movie: Anchorman.

Favorite Book: The Kama Sutra.

Favorite Song: Too many – I like most music by Mac Miller, A$AP Rocky, and KiD CuDi.

For all of the jersey chasers out there: what do you like or look for in a girl? Someone who is attractive, has a good sense of humor, and is easy to talk to.

Carm or Dewick? Dewick – it’s right next to my dorm.

Who is your favorite superhero? Spiderman.

Mila Kunis or Blake Lively? No doubt, Mila Kunis.

What was your most embarrassing moment? Definitely walking out of the shower and having my hall mates stare at me because they were listening to me sing. It’s happened on many occasions.

What are you looking forward to during second semester? Spring Fling – I’ve heard some good stories about it.

 Jessica Lee is a senior at Tufts University in Medford, MA. Before transferring to Tufts in the fall of 2011, she spent a semester abroad in Paris, and studied at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, CA, for two years. Jessica is majoring in English and minoring in Communications & Media Studies, with an eye towards working in PR or Marketing. Never one to shy away from taboo topics or keep her opinion to herself, Jessica enjoys coming up with topics for her weekly “He Said vs. She Said” column.
Simmone Seymour is a current student at Tufts University studying Political Science, Economics, and Communications. She is interested in films, fashion, art, design, marketing, advertising, PR, blogging, new trends and the DIY movement. She is now the Campus Correspondent for the Tufts University Chapter of Her Campus and blogs for the Beauty School Blog. She aspires to get involved in marketing and has worked at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Hungry Fish Media, Jack Morton Worldwide, Argopoint LLP, the Tufts Daily, the HC headquarters as a Marketing & Sales Associate, and at Leo Burnett Worldwide.In her spare time (which is far and in between) she freelance writes for publications, maintains a blog, learns about graphic design and coding, and explores which ever city she may be in. Her idols are Chelsea handler, Sheryl Sandberg, and Marissa Meyer.Got something fashion or beauty-related you think is amazing? Contact Simmone at SimmoneSeymour@hercampus.com to discuss article inquiries.