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He Said, She Said: Episode 7

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Snowdin is the man with the manswers, and Summer Lovin is the girl with the girl-swers?  Whatever, they give some interesting advice.

1.) What do you do when a friend brings his/her annoying significant other everywhere?
Summer Lovin: This has to be annoying. I mean you should be happy for your friend because they’re happy with this person but that doesn’t mean that they need to be the together all the time. You should get a group of people who feel the same way about the situation and address it or  specifically request a day that it’ll just be the crew and no extras and then bring it up. It’s possible your friend doesn’t realize that their significant other is a bit annoying to everyone else so you need to tell them. In the case of there significant other being at an event, just try to have as little contact with them as possible if it really does get that annoying to you, be courteous about it but by no means do you have to hang around them all the time.
Snowdin: Tough question. Everyone has lost a friend to the dreaded significant other. It really depends on the relationship I have with the friend, as well as with his or her significant other. The key is to let your friend know that they’re important to you and that you’re important to them. Be patient during the honeymoon phase and if it doesn’t wear off, I’ll usually say something. If the significant other is cool, then hang out with them together and try to incorporate the SO into your friend group. If he/she doesn’t fit be honest with your friend and let them know how you’re feeling.  Honesty rules! 
2.) If you’re going home with someone at the end of the night (cough cough), is it better to go to your place or theirs?

Snowdin:  My place comes with a lava lamp. Need I say more? When it all comes down to it, does it really matter? It’s really a win-win-win situation: you’re going home with someone (win), you’re going to you’re place where you know you have a comfy bed, an awesome lava lamp, and toaster strudels for breakfast (win), or you’re getting to see some new place that you’ve maybe never seen before and you can leave whenever you want (win). Just make sure wherever you go, you’re prepared ;-)
Summer Lovin: I’m going to say mine. This gets rid of the opportunity for a walk of shame (guys can handle this better because they don’t actually have to walk back in heels and a skirt- clear indicators of what you’ve been up to) and I can get comfortable in my own space. BONUS: When something is on your turf you have control, that’s the way I like it. lol.

3.) How do you strike up a conversation with someone you think is cute?
Snowdin: Introduce yourself! Typically most people are too afraid to be the first one to say something, so if you’re not that person +1 for you. If they’re not interested in talking they’ll let you know (or at least they should). The worst that could happen is you don’t end up talking to them, which is basically where you were before except now you know and can cast your gaze elsewhere. As long as your not on Tufts campus there will be plenty of other cute people around for you to talk to!
Summer Lovin: This is a bit creepy but I think an easy way to start a conversation with a stranger would be to look for something on, around or near the person and bring it up in a casual way.  Either that or just make it blatantly obvious that you want to talk with them… however you do that. In my experience I’m usually struck by some amazing luck and a conversation starter just appears to me. It can be hard but you just have to build up the courage and go for it.

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.