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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

In this new addition to Her Campus Tufts, two anonymous writers – one male and one female – answer a few questions that have been on our minds.  So say hello to the guy with all the answers, Snowdin.  And in the other corner we have the lady bringing you the words, Summer Lovin.

1.)  Wearing heels:  Are they worth the pain?

Summer Lovin:    I personally love a sexy pair of heels.  I think that they can really pull an entire outfit together or take something casual to the next level.  I think it’s important to get a pair of heels that  1) ( Most importantly) fit and feel good on your feet and 2) you love. It is completely possible to find a pair that fall under both categories. So in short I think heels are worth it, especially if you get a pair that fits well.  Oh, and also we’re women; we can handle a little pain- we’re strong like that.

Snowdin:    I feel as if this is one of the great questions of womankind. Heels or flats? I understand the dilemma: accentuate your legs and look hot and sexy…or be comfortable. But here’s the rub. Guys want girls who are fun. It doesn’t matter how great your legs are if you’re incredibly dull and just stand in the corner staring off into space. So here it is: if you have heels that are comfortable and enhance your features then every guy will be looking your way, but if the only pair you have will keep you off your feet or in pain all night just go with the flats, nobody will notice. You’ll make up for the heels by being fun and just enjoying yourself.

2.)   Exercising together as a date.  Is it steamy or just sweaty?

Summer Lovin: As a first date absolutely not! I think once you’re more comfortable in your relationship/ dating situation you can do more “intimate” (is that the right word) things like that. I would love to exercise with my boo (I would be checking him out hardcore), but I need to be comfortable enough to let that person see me sweat and look a wreck.

Snowdin:  Exercising as a date is fantastic. Not only do you get to break the cardinal rule of gym etiquette and stare at your sexy girl while she struts her stuff on the elliptical, but then there’s no worries about getting sweaty once you get back into the bedroom. Exercise, get sweaty, have some fun, and then cool it down with a nice relaxing shower.

3.)  What do you think are a guy’s top priorities?

Summer Lovin:  (1) Sex  (2) Food & Sex (they probably are thinking about food and then get sidetracked by sexual things… and if their into that they are thinking about using that food during sex [no judgement here])  (3) Sports/ Sleep  *I honestly don’t know what goes on in guys heads but sex is definitely always in the background, lingering in the corner like a stalker ( a stalker that you don’t mind having cause they boost your ego– you know the kind).

Snowdin:  There are two ways to a man’s heart. Sex and food. Food and sex. Preferably at the same time. Guys are fairly simple creatures and their priorities tend to change with the time of day. Take the morning for example. Breakfast is key to starting the day, but then again every man loves morning sex. Continuing on into the afternoon after reminiscing on that great morning, we come to a nice big lunch and some afternoon delight. That gets us to the evening when it’s time to have a nice dinner and hopefully some sex/dessert upstairs. And I guess if these two pinnacles of man’s mind are adequately addressed the mind may occasionally wander to money, cars, sports, and grilling and sex.

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.