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Five Things: Week 10

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

If you see some “crazy” college student having her own dance party on the T while you’re on route to Logan Airport next week, please don’t judge me too harshly. The idea that I’ll be able to listen to Christmas carols completely stress-free is the only way I’m getting through finals without losing my mind (that and lots and lots of coffee).  So, as we spend every single hour in Club Tisch this week, try to push away the Scrooge mentality. While it may not feel like it right now, as your eyes literally hate you for making them stay open, remind them about the twinkling Christmas lights they’ll soon be able to ogle at. Good luck studying, Jumbos!   
While my house in December is always decorated with menorahs, I’ve always loved the look of wreaths… #jewishgirlproblems

It’s quite possible I gained the entire Freshman 15 at Dewick Christmas dinner alone

Even without a Christmas tree, small holiday arrangements can replicate the pine smell

Cute grocery products dressed up for the holidays

“O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!”     

Stephanie Haven is a freshman at Tufts University where she plans to major in Sociology with a minor in Communication and Media Studies. She enjoys making terrible puns about her Tufts of hair and Jumbo supply of stockpiled food. After college she plans to live in New York City where she hopes to pursue her dream of becoming a journalist. You can find her trying to figure out Twitter @stephaniehaven.