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Dave’s Fresh Pasta wins our Poll (and offers HC readers a freebie!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

            I was skeptical about Dave’s Fresh Pasta. I mean, I don’t really like Italian food, and without ever entering the premise, I assumed it would have a typical “speed over quality” feel similar to Subway or Chipotle. But after Her Campus Tufts readers voted it the best eatery near campus, beating out Snappy Sushi, the Danish Pastry House, and three others, I knew I couldn’t stay away any longer.
And sure enough, when I finally stepped into Dave’s last weekend for the first time, I realized how absolutely wrong I had been. Why had I waited until my junior year to come here? Dave’s was the complete opposite of the typical mainstream chain that college students so often frequent (more for the grease and low prices than for the taste). If anything, it falls more in line with the quirky/indie atmosphere that Davis Square boasts of so frequently – in other words, it was more in line with the Somerville theatre, Diesel, and the late Poor Little Rich Girl.
            Now I’ll admit… out of my purchases, I did not buy a sandwich, which is clearly the main product that Dave’s offers. I did however purchase a pomegranate blueberry soda (awesome), asparagus, and a mango. The fact that I could opt out on a sandwich was yet another unexpected, yet happy, surprise. Dave’s offers an eclectic mix of produce, cheeses, meats, and beverages, including an alcoholic drink section for those interested in experimenting with something other than Natty Light and cheap vodka. Want to make a New Orleans Hurricane for Mardi Gras? Dave’s has an easy mixture for you. Looking for a wine that isn’t from Australia or in a box? There’s dozens of choices, as well as a helpful staff to assist you with your decision.
            Furthermore, for the college student who hasn’t quite yet learned how to make anything more than ramen and PB&Js, Dave’s offers a long list of cooking classes that people can sign up for during the week, including Pasta making and Cheese making classes. And for the 21+ readers, there’s multiple wine tastings every month to help you make that transition from college drinking to real life drinking.
As I mentioned before, I did not purchase a sandwich. I did, however, get the chance to try my friend’s apple, brie, and ham creation. Needless to say, it was delicious. I was a little put off at first by the crunching noise the apple was causing every time my friend took a bite, but luckily I put my fear aside, and went for it. Next time I visit Dave’s, I will surely be purchasing more than produce.
            Last but not least, from this Wednesday (March 2) to Wednesday March 9th, the wonderfully awesome Dave will give anyone who mentions Her Campus a free cookie with any lunch. Bon Appetit!
(photos gathered from yelp.com users)