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Campus Celeb: Sylvie Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Sylvie Grenier

Nickname: Sylvie Girl

Year: 2018

Major: Child Development 

Hometown: Scituate, MA

What are you involved with on campus?

Chi Omega, Child Development Association, Campus Admissions Ambassador, Armenian Club

Spirit Animal? 

Siberian Huskey

If you were a drink you would be:

Four Loko because I’m illegal in most states.

Childhood fear:


Favorite word:


Netflix or chill?

Netflix – Grey’s Anatomy or Friends

Top three most used emojis: 

Favorite homecoming activity:

Tailgating with my fellow Bo’s and going to the sporting events!

What is the meaning of your nickname?

I’m not really sure. My name is Sylvie and I am a girl, and I’m looking beautiful tonight. 

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Backpack Europe by myself.

If you were trapped on an island you would bring…


Favorite Dewick meal:

Butternut squash ravioli/Butternut squash bisque

Favorite halloween candy:

Reeses peanut butter cups