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CambridgeSide Boston Fall Fashion Cruise Event!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

This weekend we were lucky enough to attend the CambridgeSide Boston Fall Fashion Cruise! We departed from the CambridgeSide Galleria on a boat, met tons of amazing girls from around Boston, and had a great time checking out new fall fashion trends.


Once we were on the boat, we had an amazing tour of Boston from the Charles River as well as an opportunity to check out mannequins styled by several great brands, such as Aldo, Banana Republic, Sears, Aeropostale, Old Nave, T.J.Maxx, Francesca’s Collection, Forever 21, Macy’s and Express.



The event also provided us with great swag bags full of coupons supplied by the CambridgeSide Galleria and other goodies sponsored by tons of different brands, like Forever 21, Starbucks, Hugo Boss, Sephora, Hint, and Zico.


One of our favorite items was the jewelry from Forever 21. We each got a pair of earrings or a bracelet in our bags, and later got to pick out a necklace from a selection that Forever 21 had generously provided.


None of us had ever been to the CambridgeSide Galleria before but we absolutely loved it. It’s definitely a great place for a collegiette to get her shopping fix, and we spent quite a few hours shopping after the cruise using the coupons we’d received. It also turns out that CambridgeSide has a bunch of exclusive discounts for college students! Overall, it was a great day and we can’t wait to go back soon!

Don’t forget to check out another recent fall event Her Campus attended, College Fashion Week.