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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Taylor Swift literally cannot stop releasing records and never fails to amaze us every single time. For her new album, 1989, Taylor moved further away from her traditional country vibe and focused more on pop music. The album’s first single, Shake it Off, is on everyone’s playlist and has everyone singing along when it hits the radio every other hour (“the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate…”).

But Taylor’s second single, Blank Space, is an even bigger hit! It overtook her first single, Shake it Off, on the US Billboard Hot 100 list. Taylor is the first woman to ever succeed herself on the Hot 100 list (You go T-Swift!).

As we all know, Taylor writes songs based on her own experiences. Blank Space is about how people view her as crazy for falling in love and having her heart broken so many times. Taylor recreated the scene of a heart broken girl and her ultimate revenge through the song’s lyrics and music video. Within two weeks of its release, the music video has reached 74 million views on YouTube! Further, it has stirred up discussions about her 20 different outfits, delicate makeup (red lips, of course), and the luxurious mansion in the video. Taylor is portrayed as a nightmare (“darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream”) in the video after she finds out that her boyfriend cheated on her. She destroys his portrait, burns his shirt, and eventually trashes his silver Shelby with a golf club. The video is dramatic and dynamic, and Blank Space is not only entertaining, but also extremely catchy.

How many of you are about to go listen to Blank Space again right now? I know I am!


Whether you’ve already destroyed the replay button on YouTube, or you thought you weren’t a Taylor Swift fan, here’s the link for you to watch the sovereignty of the queen herself. Take a break from work and enjoy!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ORhEE9VVg


Photo source: perezhilton.com