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5 Tips for Staying Safe on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

In light of recent incidents on campus, here are 5 tips for staying safe on campus:

1. Always lock your door at night (and during the day when you’re not home!). People can easily walk into your dorm, steal belongings, or harass you. Locking your door ensures that no unexpected visitors can sneak into your room.




2. Never walk alone at night. Whether you’re leaving the library or a party, make sure you call or leave with a friend to ensure that you get home safely. If you can’t find anyone, call Tufts Safe Rides.

3. Don’t let people piggyback into your dorm. I know it seems rude to shut the door if someone is right behind you–but, if you don’t recognize the person, it’s best to play it safe and have them find someone they know to let them in.

4. Use the buddy system at parties.

5. Look out for your fellow students. If you see any suspicious activity or think someone may need help, don’t be a bystander!


By following these 5 tips, help promote your safety as well as the safety of your Tufts peers. Check out this link to learn about Kesha’s experience with sexual assault.


Photos courtesy of: todayshomeowner.com, zaoyangnews.com, cliparts.com, patriciastarr.com.