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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

One morning, you wake up and walk to your 9:30 class with a pumpkin spice latte in hand and your agenda book full of the coming week’s plans and assignments. You’re in full-on collegiette mode. Unfortunately, during the last five minutes of class, all of your lovely, structured plans for the week are completely shattered when your professor assigns your class a group project.  If you’ve ever been in this situation, you should be able to recall these 5 stages of doing a group project.


Stage 1: The 2-Minute Mini Panic Attack Over Who You Are Going to Work With

If you’re a person with average luck, you probably have 1 or 2 friends in this class that you can work with. For everybody else, this is most likely the ONE class you don’t know anybody in. As you see other students eyeing each other with that “let’s work together” grin/nod, you’re probably frantically looking around the room for other students who share your predicament.  


Stage 2: The Group Chat

Because we all know that trying to make plans in a group chat feels like this:

Names and phone numbers are exchanged, and now comes the most daunting task (besides actually doing the project): picking a time to work on the project. Hopefully the group chat gets going when you actually have time to look at your phone. No one wants to wake up from a nap with 187 unread text messages about a history project.


Stage 3: The First Meeting/Attempting to Find Somewhere to Sit in the Library

After a half-day of group chat madness, you have finally found an hour when you all can meet in Tisch to start your project. Of course everyone and their roommate went to the library at the same time you guys did. You decide to divide and conquer until one of you finds ample seating for your group.  Once you have secured territory for your group to work in, there might be some productivity. Realistically, you guys probably don’t get too far because Stage 4 kicks in.


Stage 4: Working for an Hour and Realizing You’re All Hungry

Because you definitely have 30 minutes to wait in line for stir-fry at Carm. You have 3 days to finish the project. That’s practically half of a week, which rounds up to a whole week. And the title page is already done! You guys are fine.



Let’s be real, the bulk of the work is done during this phase. No matter how much advanced planning and “outlining” you do, there is always a last minute scramble to finish. On top of that, all of this last minute work is going to be done by only one person, and the result looks like this:

If you are the person that ends up being the “Leslie Knope” of your group, go and treat yo self because you deserve it. Next time, though, try and find better group members.


Need a last minute energy boost to finish up your group project? Take a look at the new TGL from Starbucks.


GIF sources:








Hi!! My name is Paige Fielding. I'm from Revere, Massachusetts and I am a member of the Tufts University Class of 2019. I high jump for the Tufts Women's Track & Field team, so I am always eager to learn about new health and fitness trends. Even though I am an athlete, fashion is a big part of my life and I love to stay on trend with the latest styles. My favorite season is winter. I am a skier, so I embrace the bitter cold. Tap dancing is another hobby of mine. It's a killer for your calves and performing with all eyes on me is something I'm used to, so tap is perfect for me. I love Her Campus and how it's a place for colligettes to write about and talk about girl things! I love reading HC when I just need a break from studying. HCXO - Paige