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The 5 Best Places to Buy Holiday Sweaters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

The holiday season is in full swing and it’s the perfect time to be festive. Whether you’re in a pinch for an Ugly Sweater-themed party or you’re like me and would wear Christmas sweaters year round, these stores will hook you up.

1. Christmas Tree Shop

The Christmas Tree shop doesn’t sell online, but if there’s one located near you, you already know that it’s one of the best places to buy holiday items. Look to see if there’s one near you!

2. Amazon

Amazon has a huge selection of sweaters for both men and women, and the free two day shipping for Prime users is perfect for last minute decisions!

3. Walmart/Target

It might seem surprising, but big stores like Walmart and Target have really cheap, festive options! Check out your local Walmart or Target to find some festive goodies.

4. Primark

Primark is a British franchise, but one recently opened up right next to the Downtown Crossing T stop! Take the red line to grab some amazing sweaters. This is where my friends and I got ours (and we were obviously the most festive at the party).

5. Tipsyelves.com

This website has some of the craziest sweaters I’ve seen. They’re perfect for any party and you’re surely going to be the best dressed!

These are just a few suggestions to help you find the best and most ridiculous sweaters for this holiday season!

Already have an Ugly Christmas Sweater but you’re still struggling with gift ideas? Check out this article!

Photo Sources:
Other photos courtesy of Sarah Mathews
Freshman hailing from New Hampshire. Interests include giraffes, mac-and-cheese, the beach and netflix (obviously).