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3 Ways to Make Traveling this Summer Possible

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.



1. If you have a job, or internship, tell your supervisor the dates of your vacation NOW.

By this time in spring most collegiettes probably know if they will be working or interning this summer. (If you know you’re not – then skip ahead to tip #2!) For those of you who will have full or part time jobs this summer, it is imperative that your supervisor is made aware that you want to travel ASAP. The last thing you want to do is tell your boss a day before you’re leaving that you will be out of town for the next week. If you are only working a couple of days a week you should try to rework your schedule so that you could travel for a super long weekend – that way taking time off isn’t necessary.


2. Start saving. 

It is hard to plan out exactly how much money you will spend when traveling. You have to consider what you might buy at the airport, or in a gift shop, or as a quick snack while you’re touring a beautiful city. Want a ballpark estimate on how much spending money you will need? Check out Contiki Vacations’ guide. You will still want to keep yourself from running out of money during your vacation, though, so start saving now!

Be creative in the ways you save. Is your girlfriend’s birthday coming up? Instead of buying her a necklace, burn her a CD of your favorite songs! Are you finding yourself dining out three days a week? Buy yourself some groceries and get cookin’! Coffee addict? Stop dropping $25 a week on your Starbucks latte, and make yourself a coffee at home! Most importantly, stay motivated and keep your goal in mind! Once you’ve reached your destination, you’ll be glad you’ve got some cash on you.


3. Simplify the planning process by taking an organized tour.

Planning a trip on your own can be stressful, time-consuming, and downright confusing. Figuring out the best routes, where to stay, and what you’ll want to be doing, is a lot to organize! That’s why taking a trip with Contiki Vacations is fun, relaxing, and stress-free. www.Contiki.com, offers a variety of fun destinations, types of trips including cruising & sailing or festivals & events, and an array of amazing tours. With one flat rate you’ll get an amazing vaca, without the stress of planning every micro detail of it! 

Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!