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Jim Ramsey ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.
Year: 2012
Hometown: Belmont, MA
Major: American Studies
Relationship Status: Single

What are you involved with on campus?
Member of PsiU, Trinity Baseball Team

What position do you play?

What are your goals for this year’s season?
To get back to the playoffs and have a memorable last season

How does the team look this year?
Very good.  It’s made up of  mostly juniors and seniors and we’ve all been playing together for a while so we have good chemistry.

If you could play any other sport what would it be?

Favorite moment at Trinity?
Going to the 2009 College World Series

Favorite theme party?

Favorite restaurant in Hartford?
Trinity Restaurant

Who are your top three celebrity crushes?
Tom Brady, Mila Kunis and Jessica Alba

Favorite music artist?

Julia is a senior at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.  She is a double major in English and American Studies.  Julia serves on the English Adviosry Board, and is an active particpant in various performances on campus through the Thearter and Dance and the Music Department at Trinity.  She loves to write, has a passion for music and dance, and sometimes thinks she's as funny as Vince Vaughn.