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Towson’s Declassified Party Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

You hear the sound of a beating bass in the distance, heels sore from the cheap shoes you bought on sale last week and nerves building as you approach the apartment complex. There are gaggles of hopeful boys waiting outside drinking cheap beer from cans and smoking a cigarette because apparently, those are cool again. You can feel them staring straight at your ass as you walk by. Inside, there is nothing but heat and sweat and drunken children dancing about. This is a college frat party.

Having that scene been my first partying experience, it shook me up a bit. Coming into college as a bright-eyed, sheltered freshman who had only ever seen parties in the movies, everything was scary. I can remember my first weekend on campus, walking to a party with some kids on my floor because I hadn’t made any other friends yet, hoping and praying I’d just have a good time and meet the boy of my dreams. Thinking back, I was devastatingly idiotic to have thought that either of those things would happen in that night and in the many weekends that followed. Since then, I have learned to survive and adapt to the many weekend nights out and have compiled a list of skills to keep in mind as you enter your next testosterone-ridden frat party.


1.         Wear comfortable shoes

You’re going to want to wear them because they make your calves look like you take leg-day very seriously and your butt look like squatting is your religion. Wearing them every once in a while to complete the perfect outfit is fine. You do you! But by the end of the night, you’re going to end up carrying them anyways.


2.         Bring as little items with you as possible

The more things you bring with you, the more you have to leave behind and odds are, you’re not going to know the people who actually live there. Losing your favorite jacket is not worth the blood, sweat, and tears of going to a party anyways. 


3.         Eat before you leave

Because let’s be honest, there’s nothing worse than alcohol on an empty stomach.


4.         Make plans of how you’ll get home later before you leave for the party

The last thing you want is to be drunk, tired, and stranded at this party. Please make sure you have a safe form of transportation to take you home. The earlier you have a plan, the earlier you can go to bed. Also, if you scout out a ride at the party, you never know what kind of maniac could be driving.


5.         Bring your own alcohol.

Frat boys are cheap and just want to get your as drunk as possible without spending the big bucks. Bring your own drinks if you feel so inclined because no one knows your taste in beverage better than you do!


6.         Avoid the jungle juice

Because you never know what’s in that big bowl of liquid evil.


7.         Let the games begin

If you’re bored or don’t have anyone to talk to, get involved in a game! Odds are, someone somewhere is either tossing around some ping pong balls or flipping some cups. There’s no better way to introduce yourself to someone than to be their teammate!


8.         Never accept a cup from a stranger

College dudes can be sketchy. You may be tempted because hey, free drinks. But in reality, you never know what’s in that devil cup.


9.         Do not drink too much

Don’t be that girl who drinks too much and gets kicked out or worse, pukes everywhere. Nobody likes that girl and trust me, the hangover the next morning won’t be worth it anyways. You don’t need to be intoxicated to have a good time anyways!


10.   WATER

Please, for the love of God and all that is holy, drink some damn water. If you don’t, that hangover will be so much worse in the morning.


11.   Stand your ground

If you’re walking through a crowd and feel a hand touch you, don’t let that bastard get away with it. Be strong and tell him to not do that or else he’ll just touch the next girl who walks by. Ladies have to look out for each other in this wild, wild manly world.


12.   If there are so many people that you can’t move around easily, get out

Unless you enjoy the feeling of sweat and groping, please avoid parties that are packed to the brim. I beg of you.


13.   Have fun!

You only get to be in college once (hopefully). Don’t let these years be filled with regret and don’t spend your time worrying about how you look or smell. Just enjoy yourself and no matter what, always stay safe.


Jane is a sophomore at Towson, studying Anthropology and International Studies. She loves photography, her dogs, Hemingway, and studying cultures. She has an irrational fear of Abraham Lincoln and an unconditional love for playing Sudoku at all hours of the day.