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Putting an End to Slut-Shaming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.


Remember all throughout schooling our teachers drilled in our heads “practice makes perfect?” Then why are we belittling women who sleep with different men. Have you ever been in bed with a guy who just wasn’t doing it for you or in bed with a guy who makes you forget what the heck you have to do tomorrow? The difference there is experience and they have been “practicing.” And I’m sure no man wants a boring woman in bed. Let’s face it, women are breaking through double standards and sleeping with who ever they please, whenever they please and those who don’t, make them feel guilty for doing so. STOP. Us Gen-Y’s have developed this ability to all of sudden eliminate feelings and as soon as females develop this skill, it’s the end of the world.



If men can do it and be called “the man” by other men, why can’t girls do it and not be looked down on? That’s the biggest problem. As soon as women try to stand up for themselves and have the nerve to breakthrough double standards our generation tends to bring them down, especially other women. Why do females do this? Are you jealous? 


What about the chase is so fun? Let’s be real girls, there is that one rule that holds us back, you can’t have sex. And that’s not fun. We are in a lose-lose situation here ladies. We can’t have sex on the first date because we assume that he thinks you’re too easy (when really, he honestly doesn’t care.) Men will like you for you. I’ve come to the conclusion that the “chase” doesn’t really exist and any guy will find some excuse to dismiss you. If you do have sex on the first date and he doesn’t call you within the next week, maybe you suck as a person and in bed. Don’t forget that sex is sex, love is love, love makes sex better but sex is just fun. Don’t slut-shame. It’s bullying and women are just trying to gain some experience! If anyone is calling you a slut, hold that middle finger high.

And if you are sleeping with a different guys every two days, it’s no one’s business.


Be safe, dolls!

Just a Jersey girl studying at Towson. I major in Public Relations, Journalism and Advertising with a minor in Spanish and a part-time writer for HerCampus. Caramel iced coffees (no sugar), Mexican food and red velvet cake is the way to my heart. I enjoy the small things in life and of course, college basketball. Witty with no filter, I write what comes to my mind. Enjoy!